(669) 988-1137

Local Climate in Mazatlan

Mazatlan enjoys a yearly average temperature of 81F/24C. Winter months can be cooler and drop to 65F/15C at night; summer months may reach highs of 90F/30C in July and August especially.

Winter Climate:

January through March are the coolest months. Temperatures can range from 55F/12C to 79F/24C in the day.

Spring Climate:

April through June – springtime – are warmer months in Mazatlan with temperatures ranging from 60F/14C overnight to 88F/29C in the daytime.

Summer Climate:

July through September are the hottest months, with temperature ranging from 75F/21C overnight, to 95F/32C in the daytime. Temperatures and humidity reach their peak in mid-July and August.

Autumn Climate:

Temperatures moderate again starting late September, any humidity disappears and the hot, sometimes humid, daytime temperatures climb down from their summer highs. Temperatures in the autumn months range from 59F/13C overnight to 88F/27C in the daytime.

Rainy Season:

Mazatlan’s rainy season runs from June to October, with most of the rain falling in July and August. Torrential afternoon rains may be experienced several days a week and, in the peak temperature months of July, August and September tropical storms may feature, too.


Hurricanes can affect Mazatlan, although the Baja peninsula can shelter this port city from the worst of Pacific hurricanes.

Sea Temperature in Mazatlan

During the peak summer months of July and August, sea temperatures may reach as high as 80F/23C; in other months, the sea temperature will average around 65F/18C.

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